Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad


our services list

types of care

We focus on diagnosis and root cause of pain and treat the pain by new modalities and with a minimally invasive approach. You can avoid surgery by this intervention technique.

RFA of trigeminal nerve—for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Cervical Epidural Block- for cervical Radiculopathy

Endoscopic Disc Surgery / endoscopic discectomy

Transforaminal Block -for Slipped Disc

Ozone Discectomyo-for slipped Disc

Facet Joint Block – for back pain/ sciatica

Sacro-iliac joint block -for buttock pain

Caudal neuroplasty – for slipped disc

( Plasma Therapy )

Extra - corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy( ECSW)

Verteboplasty—for osteoporotic compression fracture

Pyriformis Block -for Pyriformis Syndrome

Intercostal block


Regenerative medicine

Joint Intervention for joint pain

Joint Intervention for Rheumatic Pain

Occipital nerve block for headache

Trigger point injection

Botox injection for migraine

Sympathetic block

Genicular nerve knee RF

Usg guided intervention