Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad
90% of people have experienced back pain during their life. Back pain is a symptom, rather than a disease. Back pain is usually felt in the lower back, and originates from muscles, nerves, bones joints or structures in the spine.
Clinical examination / X-ray / MRI
90% of people have experienced back pain during their life. Back pain is a symptom, rather than disease. Back pain is usually felt in lower back, and originates from muscles, nerves, bones joints or structures in spine.
Causes of back pain :
Disc prolapse / slipped disc
Discogenic lower back pain
Ligament or muscle injury
Facet joint arthropathy.
Repetitive back injury.
Repetitive stress
Poor muscle tone.
Occupational lower back pain like working on computer for long hours
Degenerative disease
Sacroiliac joint arthropathy
Pyriformis syndrome
How back pain is diagnosed ?
Clinical examination / X-ray / MRI
Treatment of back pain
We give muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory medicines along with physical therapy.
Exercise and physiotherapy
It is needed to maintain muscle tone and strength in the early stage of back pain.
Endoscopic disc removal / Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy
It is the state of art , latest technology in the fields of Minimally Invasive Spine Procedures. After giving local anesthetic to skin and deeper tissue, we insert Endoscope into slipped disc. With the use of Endoscopic forcep, and laser fiber, we remove the protruded or herniated disc under direct vision. So ultimately it relieve s pressure from the pinched nerves and decompress the bulging disc
What are the indications?
Who has lower back pain with severe leg pain
Patients who have failed with conservative and physical therapy
Patient who does not want to open spine and preserve their spine structures…
Advantages of endoscopic discectomy or endoscopic disc removal :
Why we required endoscopic discectomy ?
Individual who has chronic back pain with leg pain. It is often used to treat patients suffering from degenerated disc, bulging disc or herniated disc, that compresses the nerve roots cause sciatica and lower back pain.
Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Management Clinic In Ahmedabad, Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad
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