Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a type of facial pain causing sharp shooting pain on one side of the face. It is one of the most painful diseases known to mankind. It has been called “ Suicide disease “ because of the severity of the pain.


  • Patients are usually middle age and older
  • Electric current like pain on one side of face
  • Repeated and multiple pain episodes in a day or weeks
  • Pain Trigger by eating, chewing foods, touching, cold air, talking, shaving or without any reason
  • Attack usually lasts for few seconds to few minutes
  • Patient may become afraid to eat and lose weight
  • Patient may go into depression
  • Mostly involving mandibular, maxillary or both division of Trigeminal Nerve.
  • Partial or no relief with medication



What causes trigeminal neuralgia?

There are multiple causes of it. . But most of the time there is no pathology detected and it is the abnormality in the nerve itself which leads to pain generation.  This condition is called Idiopathic neuralgia. At times on MRI, we may detect compression of nerve with blood vessels.

Best treatment for trigeminal neuralgia

Radio-Frequency Ablation For Trigeminal Neuralgia, With 80% success rate, Major Brain surgery can be avoided with Radiofrequency ablation for TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA.

We initially start with Medications to control trigeminal neuralgia ,but when medications fail to effect or ineffective in treating trigeminal neuralgia or the side effects of the medicines become intolerable, pain experts are able to offer a variety of non-surgical procedures including Radio-frequency Ablation, Balloon compression and Chemical neurolysis. These are exciting treatment option that offers new hope for individuals who suffer from trigeminal neuralgia

How to relieve trigeminal neuralgia pain?

Management starts with medications to suppress the abnormal pain signals. The medicines used are in class of anti convulsants and anti depressants, as these medicines also have role in pain medicine.
If medical management fails that means, if there is not much relief or the doses are causing some side effects, the pain specialist or the pain doctor may advise you for some minimally invasive brain procedure to block the pain signals.

Who are the best doctors to treat trigeminal and other neuralgias like glossopharyngeal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia ?

Pain specialist are trained in diagnosing acute and chronic pain states. This is especially important, because if the diagnosis is not established, it is difficult to treat conditions and at times lead to unnecessary treatments too. Pain doctors not only manage pain with medications but they also are experts in minimally invasive procedures for pain management

Trigeminal Neuralgia symptoms :

  • Patients are usually middle age and older
  • Electric current like pain on one side of face
  • Repeated and multiple pain episodes in a day or weeks
  • Pain Trigger by eating, chewing foods, touching, cold air, talking, shaving or without any reason
  • Attack usually lasts for few seconds to few minutes
  • Patient may become afraid to eat and lose weight
  • Patient may go into depression
  • Mostly involving mandibular, maxillary or both division of Trigeminal Nerve.
  • Partial or no relief with medication

 How can we help?

  • Radio-Frequency Ablation is newer modality of treatment
  • We have best Radio-Frequency Generator
  • By doing RF, we treat patients from root cause of disease
  • Able to select and stimulate nerve more precisely
  • CT guidance gives more precise location of TGN Ganglion

Benefits of RFA

  • Radio-Frequency Ablation is a definitive treatment
  • It is a day care procedure
  • Performed under IV sedation and under local Anesthesia
  • NO surgery, no scar
  • Discharge within 4 hours.
  • Higher success rate, less invasive and no side effects.