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Treatment of Shoulder Pain

Pain in the shoulder. Muscular male body. Handsome bodybuilder posing on gray background with red dot

Physiotherapy should start as early as possible to restore the range of movements.


Do shoulder exercise regularly, like rotating and above head exercise, clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the arm. Consult the physician as early as, for better recovery as in the advanced stage it is more difficult to treat it. Advice to control diabetes.

Shoulder pain

The most common cause for shoulder pain include rotator cuff tear and adhesive capsulitis (commonly known as frozen shoulder).

Rotator cuff tear : Rotator cuff refers to a group of muscles and tendons that make the shoulder joint. Over-use of this muscles like in strenuous activities  can loose the rotator cuff and causing cuff tear.

This joint capsule contains the ligament that attach the top of the upper arm to the shoulder joint, tightly holding the joint in place.

Why it is called frozen?

It is so called frozen as the more pain that is felt, less likely the shoulder will be used and again because of less use of muscle, the shoulder capsule becomes tight and thicken and that makes shoulder even more difficult to move. So ultimately it is frozen in position.


Medicine / pharmacotherapy

Injection : For better result you should follow regular stretching and exercise after intervention (injection).

PRP therapy

In this we inject platelets (part of blood component from patient’s own blood to rebuild a damaged tendon or cartilage.

It has excellent roll in healing process. We withdraw patient’s blood and keep it in PRP machine to isolate platelets and PRP is injected into the torn portion of the tendons.