Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad
Hip osteoarthritis is diagnosed by x- ray:
Causes of osteonecrosis (AVN) of hip:
Medical conditions associated with avascular necrosis include:
What is AVN?
When blood flow to bone is reduced, there is a death of bone tissue, and it can lead to tiny breaks in the bone and it collapses. This process usually takes few months to years. Any person can be affected. But it is seen mostly between the ages of 30 to 50.
Risk factor:
Trauma or injury to hip:
Having several alcoholic drinks a day for several years also can cause fatty deposits to form in blood vessels.
Use of high-dose corticosteroids, such as prednisone induces AVN. The exact reason is unknown , but some experts believe that corticosteroids can increase lipid levels in the blood, reducing blood flow.
Cancer treatments:
Using high dose medications for Multiple myeloma and metastatic breast cancer.
Certain medical treatments :
Using biphosphonates to enhances bone density also increases risk.
Radiation therapy for cancer can weaken bone. Organ transplants, especially kidney transplants,also increases risk.
Pain management therapy in Hip Pain:
Core decompression :
In early stage of osteonecrosis, it is very helpful. Cure rate is 63%.
PRP Therapy
It halts the diseases and relieve pain.
Use of PRP along with core decompression, to accelerate recovery rate.
It reduces the risk of progression to collapse of hip joint.
Percutaneous Radio-Frequency Hip Joint Denervation:
In some patients, it is not convenient to do Total Hip Replacement ( THR ), because of co-morbidities, that increase the risk of post-operative complications, and unfitness to do this aggressive surgical intervention.
In these cases, Percutaneous partial hip joint sensory denervation has become a notable option as it provide acceptable rates of Pain relief.
THA ( Total Hip Arthroplasty )
THA is indicated when the pain is chronic and the reduced mobility persists despite all conservative measure
Complications: If left untreated, micro-fracture or collapse of hip can occurs.
To reduce the risk of avascular necrosis and improve general health well being
Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Management Clinic In Ahmedabad, Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad
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