Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad
It results from the gradual loss of movement in the shoulder joint. The joint gets struck and its movements are restricted. It is caused by inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint. A capsule is a form of tissue, that envelops and holds the joints. Normally, the capsule has folds that contract and expand as the arms move in various directions.
Physiotherapy should start as early as possible to restore the range of movements.
Do shoulder exercise regularly, like rotating and above head exercise, clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the arm. Consult the physician as early as, for better recovery as in the advanced stage it is more difficult to treat it. Advice to control diabetes.
What is frozen shoulder ?
It results from the gradual loss of movement in the shoulder joint. The joint gets struck and its movements is restricted.
What cause frozen shoulder ?
It is caused by inflammation of tissue surrounding the joint. Capsule is a form of tissue, that envelops and holds the joints. Normally, the capsule has folds that contract and expand as the arm move into various directions.
And if this capsule becomes inflamed, scaring will develop and these scars formation are being called adhesion. So with movement of the arm these capsule’s fold become tightened. So shoulder movement will be restricted and joint will get painful.
Symptoms of frozen shoulder ?
Pain over shoulder
Restricted shoulder movement
Above head movement is not possible.
Stiffness of shoulder
Precipitating factors
Shoulder injury
Adhesive capsulitis
Any kind of surgery which requires prolonged immobilisation.
Diagnosis : X-ray, sonography & MRI
Treatment :
Anti-inflammatory medications for 4 to 8 weeks
Shoulder mobilisation therapy is required in all cases.
Intervention for frozen shoulder.
If patients have not any response with medicines and physiotherapy, then we inject viscous (jelly) inside the joint capsule. This reduces inflammation and accelerate recovery.
Forceful mobilisation under general anesthesia is useful in some patients.
What precautions to take care after procedures ?
Physiotherapy should start as early as possible to restore the range of movements.
How can we prevent frozen shoulder ?
Do shoulder exercise regularly, like rotating and above head exercise, clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of the arm.
Consult the physician as early as, for better recovery as in the advanced stage it is more difficult to treat it.
Advice to control diabetes.
Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Management Clinic In Ahmedabad, Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad
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