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Treeatment of Cancer Pain


Intervention Pain Procedures ,target neural and non-neural pain generators and Neural technique provides excellent pain relief for neuropathic, sympathetic, nociceptive, somatic or visceral pain. Neural blockage techniques are mainly  categorized into Non-neurolytic blocks and Neurolytic blocks

For pain relief to be effective, or opiod- resistant pain, Neurolytic blocks  have precious role.  The type of neural block selected is determined by the location and mechanism of pain, the physical status of patients, extent of tumor, the technical skill and experience of the person , performing intervention.

Non-neurolytic block can provide safe and effective analgesia for less serious conditions.

If patient have localized pain in a particular region, then pain relieving nerve blocks, like celiac plexus, stellate, hypogastric block and lumbar sympathetic block may be useful.

The management of patients with cancer pain can be a challenging task, even for physicians trained in cancer pain management.

Palliative care is very important to improve the cancer patient’s quality of life.