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Prolotherapy is a procedure where a natural irritant is injected into the soft tissue of an injured joint. It is sometimes called regenerative injection therapy

Prolotherapy is not a surgical treatment. Because of this, it is also known as a regenerative joint injection or non-surgical ligament and tendon reconstruction. Doctors mainly use prolotherapy to treat injured joints and ligaments

Indication to use prolotherapy

  • Chronic Lower back region pain
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Shoulders
  • Other joint and ligament
  • Tendon injury
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sports injury
  • Might only consider prolotherapy if nothing else works


Which substitute to be used in prolotherapy?

 Prolotherapy is an injection that contains a potential irritant, such as a dextrose solution. The irritant is thought to trigger the body’s healing response.

How Do Prolotherapy Injections Work?

Experts aren’t clear how or if prolotherapy works, but there are several theories about the way it acts in the body. Possible actions could be that:

  • The injection changes the fluid pressure and causes local cells in the area to burst, which triggers the healing process.
  • The injection attracts immune cells and inflammation chemicals to the area.
  • The injection causes scarring where the collagen is broken down.
  • The injection causes irritation to cells in a confined area by drying them out.
  • This process is said to cause inflammation and stimulate your body to heal.


How safe is this therapy?

Prolotherapy seems to be a safe treatment based on the limited research. None of the clinical trials for prolotherapy and low back pain show any serious side effects.  Mild effects may include, Minor pain at the injection

How it is useful compare to the other treatments?

Prolotherapy is an all-natural, permanent treatment, as it relies on the body repairing itself to reduce pain. In contrast, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications only provide temporary relief. Similarly, surgical options do not always work to stabilize a joint fully.


Medical professionals who support the use of prolotherapy believe that the strengthened joints will mean the pain is reduced. Also, the improved strength of the joint will help with stability and improve overall movement and function of the back and joints.

Which precaution is required before therapy?

Anti-inflammatory medications should be stopped 3 days prior to therapy.

How many sessions are required  for effect of prolotheray?

It depends on  severity of injury or grading of arthritis. Usually 3 to 5 sessions are required for effectiveness of the therapy.