Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad

Regenerative medicine

In degenerative conditions of osteoarthritis and tendinopathies, pain killers and steroid injection have serious side effects.

In same way, in sports injuries, like tendinopathy and muscle tear, ligament injury and chondral injury, long term pain relief can not be achieved with traditional method.

So in these conditions, Regenerative Intervention to joint and musculo-skeletal conditions have  a great role in healing of damaged tissue.

How regenerative medicine helps n repair?

Our own specialized cells divide, and each cell can become another specialized cell, allowing to continue dividing and replace and repair dead and damaged cells.

Our  philosophy is that your body was designed for healing, not for surgery. This regenerative medicine allows to do that. These state  of  the art therapies activate your body’s own healing mechanism. Instead of taking pain killers, which is harmful , our aims is to stimulate growth in affected area by taking these medications. It helps to create new ligament and cartilage and reparing the damage.

How does this treatment therapy work?

  • The first step is to harvest the cells or growth factor, which is required for treatment.
  • We obtain natural cells from patient’s body usually from blood proteins, bone marrow or fatty tissue.
  • And we apply the cells to the damaged part of tissue, that needs to repair itself.
  • The stem cells have the unique ability to become specialized cells, such as cartilage, tendon, bone, muscles , necessary for healing injuries. They enhance the body’s natural repair process.


How long the effect lasts?

Tissue repair starts within 4 to 6 weeks. There is a relief from resting pain and Pain on movements. And it indicates that tissue repair is going on. Depending upon type of injury and site of injury , the strengthening of repaired tissue takes another 4 to 8 weeks.