Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Specialist In Ahmedabad
Knee pain can be caused by problems with the knee joint itself or problems outside the knee joint. Like ligament/tendons or bursa. The pain physician will take history and physical examinations. In addition to this, your doctor might advise some tests to rule out the exact source of pain.
Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions — including arthritis, gout and infections — also can cause knee pain.
Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces also can help relieve pain. In some cases, however, your knee may require surgical repair.
Knee pain can be caused by problems with the knee joint itself or problems outside knee joint. Like ligament / tendons or bursa. Knee pain is common cause of pain n middle age and in elderly. It is commonly caused by injury, age and overuse of knee or repeated stress on the knee.
Knee is stiff and swollen
Weakness of knee or instability
Weight holding is very difficult
Can not able to extend knee
Cracking sensation in knee , while walking
Unable to walk or climbing stair because of ligament injury
Persistant or intermitttent pain while walking
Causes of knee pain
Ø Injury Ø Meniscus tear Ø Ligament injury Ø Knee bursitis Ø Patellar tendinitis |
Ø Arthtits Ø Osteo-arthitis Ø Rheumatoid arthritis Ø gout |
Ø Mechanical issue Ø Trauma to hip or foot Ø Ilio-tibial band syndrome Ø Knee cap dislocated |
Risk factor of knee pain
Weakness of knee muscles
Previously injury to knee
Sports activity
When you should visit a doctor?
Your knee is swollen, red or painful
Your knee can not able to support your weight
When you have difficulty in flexing and extending your knee
You have unpleasant burning sensation in your knee
Sharp, shooting pain with movement of your knee
Persistant pain ,despite of taking pain-killers
You have knee deformity
Difficulty in up-stair climbing.
How can we diagnose knee pain?
Pain physician will take history and physical examinations. In addition to this your doctor might advise some tests to rule out the exact source of pain.
Conservative treatments
You can apply ice-pack for 10 minutes, 3 times per day.
Wear proper fitted, well cushioned shoes
Loose your weight , if you are overweight
Medications: under doctor’s guidance, take Anti-inflammatory medicines, to relieve pain
Physiotherapy: by doing physical therapy or strengthening exercises, you can make muscles holding knee , much stronger and stable.
Injection theraphy :
If pain killers and other medicines are not working well, then depending on your knee grade, your pain physician might be recommend following injectons
Radio-frequency Abation of the Genicular Nerves of Knee-
It is an excellent mod e of theraphy , beneficial in patients of knee arthritis, who is physically unfit, in whom knee replacement can not be done or risk with knee replacement. Or in patients who wants to avoid spine surgery.
Surgical procedures:
How can we can prevent knee pain?
Remains fit
Reduce your weight , if you are obese
Do warm up , before doing any sports activity
Do regular knee exercises
Take adequate and necessary calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation
Stay active and flexible
What is osteoarthritis ?
In this patients have inflammation in the knee joint. It is a gradual breakdown of the cartilage in the knee. As the cartilage wears away, the bones around it, can grow thickened and developed bony spurs and this can be make friction between the bones and disruption in the movement in your knee. Ultimately in your knee, it leads to problems with the synovium a membrane in your knee that produces a liquid to keep your cartilage glossy (slippery). This synovium membrane can become inflamed and produce too much fluid. This results in swelling or water in the knee. In most severe cases, the knee can become deformed as continuous friction wears away the bone. The pain is usually worses after activity.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It can affect joints on both sides of body ( both knee, both hand, both wrist ). In this arthritis, patient’s body cells attach their tissues.
Over time, it can cause the cartilage, to wear away, swelling in synovium and excess fluid in the knee.
Bursitis : Bursa is a fluid filled sac, which provides lubrication and protects the joint. Because of over use of muscles, injury to joint, there is inflammation in joint.
Tendinitis : It is a rope like tissues, connecting muscles to the bone at the knee joint. It is very common in sports injury. It is caused by over use of same part of the body. Patellar tendinitis or jumper’s knee is a inflammation or irritation at tendon between the knee cap and skin bone.
Patello-femoral pain syndrome (PFPS) / Runner’s or jumper’s knee :
In this condition, pain occurs under or around knee cap (patella). It occurs in one or both knees. It affects both children and adults. Usually pain increases with activities or after sitting for long time with knee bending. Their exact cause of syndrome is unknown.
Several factors may contribute for this.
Weak muscles surrounding knee
Certain anatomy of knee joint
Over use of knee joint
Issue with knee cap alignment
Playing on hard surfaces
Improper foot wares
Injuries :
It can be fall trauma or sports injury and usually it involves the ligaments that keep holding of two bones at the knee – the femur and the tibia together.
Meniscus Injury
Ligament Injury
Knee pain osteoarthritis :
It is one of the most commonest cause of disability, affecting 20 millions Indians (40% populations), every year.
It is most common age of in the 65, however because of faulty life style, it is also seen in age group of 35 to 50 years.
Figure of damaging cartilages and healthy cartilages
Wear and tear in knee joint cartilage
Symptoms of osteoarthritis knee
Causes of the knee arthritis
What investigations are required to diagnose ?
Knee examine patient clinically and advised to do x-ray – to see grading of arthritis.
Blood test to see inflammation
Treatment of knee arthritis
Pharmacological : Considering the age of patient, we prescribe NSAIDS and opioid medications.
Steroid injections
Hyaluronic acid injection (viscous supplementation)
Hyaluronic acid a gel like substance, naturally present in the synovial fluid, surrounding joint. It acts as lubricant.
People with osteoarthritis have lower concentration of this hyaluronic acid.
Visco-supplementation was approved by US fluid and drugs administration in 1997.
It is directly injected into intra-articular knee joint.
The result of the injection :
It varies with each patient. Pain relief is not immediately, it begins around the 3rd week after initial injection. Multiple injections may be more effective than a single injection.
How it reduces pain and inflammation?
By providing lubrication, It reduces friction within joint and ultimately reduces pain and stiffness.
It acts as anti-inflammatory.
It provides strengthening to existing cartilage by providing protein and carbohydrates.
It protects existing chondrocytes (Cartilage producing cells).
It acts as a lubricant to enable bones to move smoothly over each other and acts as a shock absorber for joint loads.
What are the side effects of Hyaluronic acid injection ?
There is probably no any risk to this injection.
Some minor side effect, like pain at injection site, redness around the knee joint can be seen. These reactions are mild and don’t last long.
Exercise / Weight loss :
In many cases, if you loose weight, then it can help reduce pain and risk of osteoarthritis.
More weight put more pressure on your knee and it may leads to chronic pain.
According to American College of Arthritis Foundation, losing 5% or more of your body weight, can have better impact on your knee function.
Together, with dietary element, exercise can help you loose weight and reduced the risk of arthritis.
Pain Management Doctor In Ahmedabad, Sciatica Treatment In Ahmedabad, Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment In Ahmedabad, Dr. Umesh Raval, Pain Management Clinic In Ahmedabad, Back Pain Doctor In Ahmedabad
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